WoW: TWW – Prepare to Heed the Call of Siren Isle

Heroes of Azeroth are invited to dive into the newest mystery with the Siren Isle content update. Explore an enigmatic outdoor zone, procure new items and rewards for you and your alternate characters, engage in new campaign chapters—Dalaran epilogue and Lingering Shadows prologue to Undermine(d)—and more!

“As raging tempests batter against Siren Isle, set off on an expedition to face off against a weekly rotation of adversaries while unraveling baffling new mysteries surrounding the abandoned Kul Tiran Azerite mine.”

On Siren Isle, you will get to face old enemies, collect new Currency (Flame Blessed Iron) to spend for items like mounts, pets, gear, and transmogs, as well as upgrades for a powerful new ring—Cyrce’s Circlet—which can be obtained by completing the introductory questline. It includes series a of quests that will teach you how to upgrade the ring over time to increase its item level and gain new powers.

Note that you won’t be able to fly on the Siren Isle from the get-go. First you’d need to acquire your Cyrce’s Circlet and go through enough empowerment to master the less severe winds.

“To upgrade Cyrce’s Circlet, a single quest unlocks weekly, and completing it offers a new power that helps you on the island while wearing the ring. Don’t fret if you miss a week or two; you can complete the missed quests in the following week along with the new one.”

The older world does not go without an update, either. Explore the fate of the Kirin Tor when you dig deeper into the aftermath of Dalaran’s fall. In this epilogue questline to The War Within—the Kirin Tor must confront their past mistakes and decide on the future course of their people.

Written by
A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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