WoW Wrath Classic Begins the Journey Through Ulduar on January 19

World of Warcraft Wrath Classic Begins the Journey Through Ulduar on January 19

Developer Blizzard Entertainment has taken to the official site of World of Warcraft to reveal that Wrath Classic is about to enter a new stage. Wrath Classic players are in for a wealth of content, from exploring Ulduar to participating in an epic tournament and preparing for the confrontation with the Lich King.

Starting on the week of January 16th, players will be able to obtain Emblems of Conquest from all bosses in Ulduar and from the “Proof of Demise” Heroic Dungeon daily quests, with new vendors offering their wares for this currency in Dalaran. Emblems of Valor will be obtained from all Heroic Dungeon bosses and from the Normal Dungeon daily quests “Timear Foresees…”.

Emblems of Heroism will no longer be obtainable from Heroic Dungeon bosses, but you can exchange Emblems or Conquest or Valor for Emblems of Heroism in Dalaran.

At the same time, players of the noble Alliance and the mighty Horde will hear the call of the Argent Crusade, inviting everyone to take part in the Argent Tournament. While the tournament grounds are still under construction, you can still travel to Icecrown and visit the Argent Tournament Grounds daily quest hub to prepare for the challenges ahead.

On January 19th, new Wrath Classic raid will open: Ulduar. This massive facility was constructed by the Titans to imprison an unspeakable threat to all life on Azeroth. Unearth its mysteries and claim the rewards therein—but try not to lose your mind in the process. Ulduar will open at 3:00 p.m. PST.

Additionally, after the regional weekly maintenance starting on January 17, a new Arena Season will begin. WoW Classic Game Producer has taken to the forums to reveal the Cross-Realm Arena and Battleground queues testing taking place on the PTR servers:

“We do recognize however that PvP has been cross realm for almost all of WoW’s existence, and that realm restrictions get in the way of utilizing team-less Arena that was added in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. As a result, we’ve implemented a system to allow you to group with players on other realms, and queue into Arena matches and Battlegrounds together. We feel that this is a sensible change considering that Arenas have been cross server since their inception in 2007, and Battlegrounds have been cross-realm since shortly after they were introduced back in original World of Warcraft. We’ve enabled this functionality on the Wrath Classic PTR, and we’d love it if you wanted to hop in with some friends to help us test this.”

Last but not least, Emalon the Storm Watcher will challenge all who dare enter the east wing of Vault of Archavon raid in Wintergrasp starting the week of January 23rd.

If you are more of a retail player, check out the Dragonflight 2023 roadmap to see what the game has in store!

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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