You Are Cordially Invited to the Lost Ark Monster Bash

Lost Ark Monster Bash

Amazon’s MMOARPG is getting spooky with a new update and the launch of the Lost Ark Monster Bash

Amazon is set to unleash ghouls and goblins aplenty this month in Lost Ark. The MMOARPG from this retailer turned gaming company has announced players can expect scary costumes, skins, weapons, and an entirely new continent to explore.


The new Monster Bash activities are already live in Lost Ark, meaning eager trick or treaters can jump in and try out a range of scary new customization options. Players can pick up weapons guaranteed to scare their enemies or dress up as witches and demons, with the newly available Overlord and Witch Skins. They can even haunt the world of Arkesia with the Little Ghost Pet. Additionally, players can use tokens earned from Event Guardians to purchase a variety of valuable and spooky seasonal Halloween rewards at an event vendor.

October Update

Anybody looking for content and not cool skins will be pleased to hear that they can journey to an entirely new land this month. After completing the Call of Destiny quest and obtaining Item Level 1475 you’ll get access to the continent of Pleccia. This is a continent of romance, art, and freedom, but everything is not as it should be. In among the gorgeous cityscapes. Players picking u this story will investigate mysteries surrounding the Vediche family, the priests of Sacria and experience a whole new side to Lost Ark.

In addition to the new location, players can also take on the return of Event Guardian Raids, welcome new friends with the Jump Start period, and even more. You can check out the full list of patch notes and content coming to Lost Ark on the official site or just jump into the Lost Ark Monster bash now.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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