Hero Hunters May Just Be the Android Shooter You’re Looking For


The year 2018 is handing us technology curveballs so fast we can barely dodge them. That means it’s time to sift through the influx of information to find those little nuggets of golden information that we can use to (hopefully) make the right game purchases. With the gaming world going ultra-mobile, there are a lot of things to consider when choosing games to play on your phone. Here are all the reasons why Hero Hunters is one of the best games of 2018 so far.

An Overview and Introduction to Hero Hunters 

Source: Hothead Games | Caption: Hothead introduces the new Hero Hunters. 

Hero Hunters has been in the making for some time now. You might have heard of it when it was first mentioned on our games page. It’s a game we’ve been waiting on for a while, and personally, one of the best games I’ve played yet on Android.

Supposedly, it’s been the most highly-anticipated shooter game of the year, and at first glance, you aren’t going to be sure why. It seems like a standard third-person shooter. You’re hiding behind a cover and you get to kill bad guys. The concept is also standard. You’re in a futuristic post-apocalyptic world wherein you are the hero and you’re battling a team of evil villains bent on the further destruction of humanity. You need to shoot the enemy while not being shot by them.

You’re also part of a team of five heroes, which you can choose and pair with assets as you see fit. The cool thing about this game is that you can change POV once you get to specific modes, which allows you to switch between your heroes in the middle of gameplay. As the name implies, Hero Hunters has a lot of heroes. Completing more missions will reward you with access to more heroes. You can also buy heroes with gold.

In the beginning, you get a lot of choices, which is excellent. The game was clearly developed for maximum engagement over the most amount of time possible, which is good because it has specific pay-to-win elements and you don’t want to hit your bank account too brutally for nothing.

You get to choose from four modes of play, each one with a lot of different missions to keep you occupied. Each play mode is different, so expect more to come to the game soon. Developers are keen to keep on track, with Hero Hunters having the added status of being the first third-person shooting game that allows you to switch characters mid-mission. Both single player and multiplayer modes are action packed and full of surprises. You won’t get bored with this one.

Source: Marc the Geek | Caption: Marc reviews the general structure of the Hero Hunters interface.

 Gameplay, Problems, and Solutions 

It’s easy as pie to play. All you have to do is aim and shoot. Mobile gameplay is difficult to get perfect, and it ticks off almost every box: Decent graphics, an engaging community with team-based gameplay and an action-packed heroic adventure for the ages.

Campaign mode is your starting mode, with both normal and hard levels. To unlock PvP, Gauntlet and Raid modes as well as features, you have to complete missions in campaign mode. It should be possible for you to do this without spending an ungodly amount of money. It’s also a fun and exciting game.

That brings me to pretty much the only problem I do have with this game: the pay-to-win element. It makes you feel like you can’t stand out in the game or advance rapidly without spending a lot of money, and that’s just a sad tribute to the world of games we’ve gotten used to.

However, Touch Arcade helps us out with some tips to avoid spending your own money. Their gems of advice include using your skill (whatever the level) as it was meant to be used, maximizing your win potential and minimizing damage capacity. This will make it easier to advance without paying.

Focus on team development because the stronger your team is, the more options you have — and the further you can advance in a shorter period. Use heroes with gold skills wisely, as these skills can propel you to victory faster than a bullet aimed at your enemy.

The Future of Hero Hunters 

Games that require skill and strategy are becoming the norm more than chance-based games or games of limited action and skill. Business Insider reports that eSports are rising in popularity at an unprecedented rate, and they’ve already gone mobile. VainGlory is probably the best example of this, having just had their 2017 World Championships in Singapore.

Photo by Super Evil Megacorp/CC BY-SA

Caption: VainGlory shocked the world with eSports enterprise.

We’ve recently seen a surge in mobile industries of all kind, but which one is closest to the heart of gaming? It’s gambling. Perhaps it is because of video game culture that this shift is moving towards skill-based mobile casino games. But video games, especially mobile multiplayers, are still more interactive and thus, more appealing. Both online and brick-and-mortar casinos have to keep up with the needs of the next generation, and they have spoken: they want rewards for hard work, not dumb luck. That’s why eSports will eventually win out as the ultimate betting/playing pastime.


Infographic by Newzoo

Caption: In 2016, mobile games accounted for nearly 40 percent of gaming industry revenue.

Is Hero Hunters headed for the controversial world of eSports and mobile game betting? It’s a little early to tell, but the possibility is there. Either way, it’s an excellent game to get on board with, especially if you’re willing to take the time and figure out how to circumvent all the pay-to-win elements. That said, I would highly recommend this game to anyone who likes a good shooter with elements of RPG and multiplayer adventure.

Caption: The explosion of eSports means change for the entire gaming community.

1 Comment

  1. I was just talking about hero hunters the other day. It reminds me a lot of Time Crisis. It’s definitely on my list as one of the new mobile games every mobile-skeptical gamer should try.

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