Total War: Warhammer 2’s Free DLC is Worth Revisiting the First Game

What's old is new again...

You may have seen my recent review of Total War: Warhammer 2 praising it in all its glory.  Well, they’re at it again, this time with an amazing DLC that brings Total War: Warhammer into Total War: Warhammer 2!  Yes, you heard me right, they merged the games, so to speak.

Welcome to the Mortal Empires

What is this DLC and why should you care?  To be blunt, if you enjoyed the first TW: Warhammer game, you’re going to love this DLC.  It basically takes the two Warhammer games and combines them.  You get two campaigns, The Vortex campaign from Warhammer 2, and the Mortal Empires campaign from Warhammer 1.  You have one huge map now, a combination of both campaign maps.

With the addition of the old map, comes with it the addition of all of the factions from the first game.  So, want to fight the Skaven as the Dwarves? It’s possible!

I really enjoyed the technology system.  You were forced to build a specific building in order to unlock the ability to research from a specific tree.  Therefore you were forced to build a lot of buildings you may not have otherwise built, just to research technology.

What they’ve done with this DLC has made me a very happy camper.  If you remember in from my review of Warhammer 2, I was very displeased with the lack of micromanaging.  I was unable to un-tax cities to either boost growth or help with the public order.  Well, folks, that’s gone, you are able to do so with this DLC!  I never thought a small feature such as this would be such a welcome sight.

Worried about the Warhammer 1 campaign limiting your settlements?  Worry not, while the campaign is much like the original, it carries the features of Warhammer 2.  This means you can take any settlement, with any faction, regardless. You may end up in an unfavorable area, but you can still take everything you want to your heart’s desire.

This DLC is a solid hit.  It has taken an already great game and made it even better.  Now, some will argue that maybe this should have happened from that start.  Instead of two games, one massive game such as what the DLC made.  While I can’t really argue against that idea, I can say for a fact that this DLC is very worth it. The only catch: you must own TW: Warhammer in order to play it.

As of the writing of this review, there is no purchase option for the DLC.  This means in order to take advantage of the DLC, you are forced to own a copy of the first TW: Warhammer game.  To some, that’s not an issue.  To others, it could be a big hurdle.  I personally think that it’s a steep price to pay if you don’t already own the game to buy just for the DLC.  While the DLC is amazing, and I thoroughly enjoyed it, It’s hard to pay a full $59.99 for another game just to play the DLC.  If this were, say a $20~25 DLC, I could see this becoming a huge hit.  Then again, you also have to consider that this “DLC” combines two games together. However, there is a glint of hope for you, should you require the first game.  Until October 30th, Total War: Warhammer is on sale for 50% off! Get it now for $29.99!

Total War: Warhammer 2: Mortal Empires will be available Thursday October 26th.  For those who own the first game, this is a definite must have (plus it’s free!)  For those without the first game, I’d say jump on the sale and pick up the first game.

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