Subsurface Circular Creator Releases New Audio Drama, North Star Rising

And now, for something entirely different.

Over the past few year, Mike Bithell has written and released some incredibly thought provoking video games that I have had the privilege of reviewing here at GameSpace, not to mention bringing John Wick into gaming form with style! Today, the creator of Subsurface Circular and Quarantine Circular has delivered the first of six episodes in a new Sci-Fi audio drama series called North Star Rising.

North Star Rising tells the story of two unlikely, 21st century humans who find themselves plucked from their activities one night and suddenly aboard an interstellar vessel. Fortunately, they were both wearing some form of pants during the event. How did they get there and why Tara and Otis, of all people? Well, that is what this adventure is all about!

The first episode, Pilots, runs just over 27 minutes. It’s not too short, but not so long that it requires a large investment of time. The writing feels like it take a good bit of inspiration of Douglas Adam’s Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, but when has that ever been a bad thing? It hits just the right notes of humor and captures the wonder one might experience if they suddenly found themselves on a mysterious starship.

Bithell and his incredibly talented team are releasing this bit of episodic, family friendly entertainment over the course of the next six weeks. For this season we all find ourselves in, it is a good escape to the stars. 

The first episode of North Star Rising is available on most major podcasting platforms, including Apple Podcast, Stitcher, and Spotify. 

For more gaming related news, reviews, and the occasional oddity that springs out of the gaming world, keep it locked in here at GameSpace.

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