Assassin’s Creed Origins Gameplay Extravaganza

We’ve spent some quality time with Assassin’s Creed: Origins over the last few days. To show you some of what you can expect when the game launches, we have this awesome hour+ video.

Assassin’s Creed: Origins

If you haven’t yet, you may want to swing over to our official review of the game. Here’s a bit of what we had to say:

Bayek’s personality is exactly what it needs to be. Stoic, gruff and focused on missions so when you meet Senu, the most beautiful eagle in gaming history you grow even more fond of their bond that has been portrayed so tenderly. When you think you can’t be drawn in anymore the voices and cutscenes add a whole other level of realism. Throughout villages, on the water or heading toward mountains everyone’s voice, every sound lends to the atmosphere all the way down to smallest animations like Bayek flicking water off his hands after he swims. You get such an authentic, awe-inspiring visual idea of how it might have truly been back then. So much so you can almost smell and taste it.

You can read the full review here.


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