

Call of Duty WWII – The War Machine Trailer

Activision has released a brand new trailer to celebrate the second DLC for Call of Duty WWII. Called The War Machine, the action centers on new tensions rising between Allies and Axis forces. The DLC...

Call of Duty: WWII – The Resistance DLC Pack 1 Arrives On PS4

Call of Duty: WWII expands with the addition of The Resistance DLC Pack 1 on PlayStation 4. PC and Xbox One owners will have to wait until a later date. Players will find three new multiplayer maps ca...

Nazi Zombies Explode in Gory Detail in New Call of Duty WWII Trailer

Sledgehammer Games has released a gory new trailer for Call of Duty WWII Nazi Zombies. Called The Darkest Shore, it might have better been named “bloody bay”. Let’s just say that it&...

Call of Duty WWII Documentary – Brotherhood of Heroes

The week of campaign info for the upcoming Call of Duty WWII release continues this week with a documentary about the setting, the development, and the studio’s approach to one of the darkest ti...

Call of Duty: WWII shows off its epic multiplayer hub called the Headquarters

Call of Duty: WWII’s multiplayer is going to be the big selling point of the game, despite how epic its campaign looks. And to be sure the MP portion is robust, players are getting a killer Head...

Call of Duty WWII – Private Multiplayer Beta Trailer

Call of Duty community website has been updated with a new blog post and a video. Both are dedicated to the upcoming Private Multiplayer Beta beginning August 25 on PS4 and September 1 for other platf...

Call of Duty WWII’s Nazi Zombies Trailer is AWESOME

I… I’m speechless. Call of Duty WWII is looking epic, and now so is its Nazi Zombies mode. Check it out. You can pre-order and get into the beta on PS4 here.  This looks legitimately like ...

CoD WWII story trailer Nintendo Switch Version

Call of Duty WW2 Multiplayer Reveal Trailer

During tonight’s E3 PlayStation Showcase, Activision revealed the first Call of Duty WW2 multiplayer reveal trailer for the upcoming shooter due out this Fall.  It’s competing neck and nec...

CoD WWII story trailer Nintendo Switch Version

[Rumor] Call of Duty: WWII Might Get Nintendo Switch Version

Call of Duty: WWII is currently in development by Sledgehammer Games. It will release for PC, PS4 as well as Xbox One. However, if you take recent rumors into account, the Nintendo Switch owners might...

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