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Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles – One Of The Most Successful Funcom Games

Conan Exiles has left the Steam Early Access on May 8th and has been released on PC, Xbox One and PS4. Funcom CEO Rui Casais has proudly stated that the game has already sold over a million copies and...

Conan Exiles Trailer

Conan Exiles Trailer – Your Journey Through The World

With the release of the game coming closer each day, Funcom continues sharing new information and teasing the exciting player base. This time the new Conan Exiles trailer is dedicated to the journey t...

Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles – Joel Bylos Answers Fans’ Questions

Creative Director of Conan Exiles Joel Bylos took to Reddit to answer fans’ questions of the week. You can find the previous thread here. You can also check out dungeons details. Conan Exiles &#...

Conan Exiles details dungeons, dyes, siege weapons – no new dong physics

There’s a slew of new content coming to Conan Exiles in the very near future. Today Funcom and Conan Exiles details dungeons, dyes, siege weapons – unleashing a trio of videos showcases. I...

The future of Conan Exiles is laid out by Funcom

Our sister site is reporting that Conan Exiles has just posted a brand new update to the game. Custom mods and the Steam Workshop are now open for the game’s more creative players. Le...

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