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Escapists 2 switch review

The Escapists 2 Review

The Escapists 2 is the latest in a growing line of games making the port to Nintendo’s incredibly popular portable console. But is this sequel worth picking up on the Switch if you already own i...

8 Great
Escapists 2 switch review

The Escapists 2 Is Breaking Out Of Nintendo Switch On January 11th

Team17 has published a new trailer dedicated to the Switch version of The Escapists 2. The owners of the Nintendo hybrid console will be able to get their hands on the arcade on January 11th, 2018, wi...

Our Escapists 2 Review: In Which the Dude Breaks Free from Jail

The Escapists 2 has officially gotten early parole for good behavior and is released on the world.  Escapists 2 is all about getting out of jail.  This is our Escapists 2 review. Whether that’s throug...

Escapists 2 has escaped to wide release today

We previewed it a while back, loved it, and couldn’t wait for the Multiplayer. Well, now The Escapists 2 out in the wild and people who aren’t lucky enough to be at Gamescom are probably d...

Should you make an Escape from the Escapists 2?

I never got a chance to play the first Escapists, so when they announced the 2nd one and that it would have multiplayer I was intrigued. I recently spent some time with the Escapists 2 preview build a...

The Escapists 2 Breaks Out on August 22nd

It’s almost time to gather your friends and pretend to all be Steve McQueen (The Great Escape?), but with blockier heads. The Escapists 2 has a release date – it’ll be out on XB1, PS...

The Escapists 2 Rattlesnake Springs headed to Nintendo Switch

The Nintendo Switch is starting to seem like the Indie’s best console as the Escapists 2 Rattlesnake Springs was just announced via trailer for the new console. Take a look at the trailer, and r...

The Escapists 2 Reveals New Western Map, Rattlesnake Springs

Team 17 and Mouldy Toof sent out a word about a new western-themed map for The Escapists 2. You can get a first look at it in the Rattlesnake Springs trailer above. The Escapists 2 Reveals New Western...

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