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Outlast 1 and 2 Coming to Nintendo Switch in 2018

Outlast fans rejoice! The series’ official Facebook page has been updated with the announcement from Red Barrels that 1 and 2 will be heading to Nintendo Switch in 2018. The announcement came al...

Outlast 2 Review

It was only minutes before Outlast 2 made me turn away. I wanted to close the game, turn off the PC, and go out into the sunshine. I didn’t do any of those things. Instead, I pushed on into the ...

8.5 Great

Red Barrels Shares Outlast Trinity & Outlast 2 Trailers

Outlast 2 & Outlast Trinity Will Defile Your Gaming Set Up On April 25th Outlast 2 & Outlast Trinity are coming April 25th to PC, PS4 as well as Xbox One. To celebrate the occasion, Red Barrel...

Outlast 2 Launches April 25th for PC, XBox One, and PS4

Announced via tweet-storm this morning, the sequel to the very scary horror game Outlast has a release date. Outlast 2 Launches April 25th for PC, XBox One, and PS4. While the first tweet says “...

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