Author: Joseph Bradford

Joseph has been a freelance games journalist for the last 5 years, having written for multiple mainstream outlets. He loves all things technology and gaming and relishes the chance to write something new about them. When not writing, Joseph enjoys spending time with his wife and daughter in his home town of Las Vegas and explaining in detail why Balrogs do not have wings. You can argue with him on Twitter at @LotrLore.

Victrix Pro FS Arcade Stick Review

There is something to be said about striving to be the best. As a kid growing up, my father would always push me to do something with everything I have or to not do it at all. Halfway or shoddily done...

Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight Review - Dancing Queen

Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight Review – Dancing Queen

When I was growing up, Rhythm games were one of my favorite genres to play. I remember before band practice every Tuesday walking to the local arcade and playing four hours of Dance Dance Revolution. ...

7.5 Good
Soulcalibur VI review

Soulcalibur VI Review – PC

Soulcalibur VI brings the series back to the center stage looking better than ever before, however the question remained whether or not Soulcalibur could return as the pinnacle of weapons-based fighti...

8.5 Great

Madden NFL ’19 Review – More Of The Same

With every installment of Electronic Art’s Madden franchise, the publishing giant tries to explain why “this year is different.” They trot out a litany of changes and tweaks made to ...

7 Good

Unravel Two Review: A Charming, But Dull Adventure

Unravel Two was a game that I was instantly interested in when unveiled at E3 2018. The idea of playing again as the cute anthropomorphic yarn figure, aptly named Yarny, was enticing, and the experien...

5 Average

Civilization VI Review

When Civilization VI was released on iPad, I was a bit skeptical. Was it going to be a toned-down version of Civilization as we’ve seen in other versions such as Civilization Revolution, or was it goi...

9 Amazing

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