Author: wayward_designer

StarCraft 2 Modder, Real-time strategy design consultant. Writer. Aficionado of #strategygames + #horror. Lover of design + education. Current project #SCRAPmod

war party review

Hey Have You Heard? It’s a War Party

The vast majority of RTS games fall into a handful of tried and true settings: science fiction is probably the most popular, with World War 2 and kind of a generic Tolkienesque fantasy following up be...

8 Great
Valeguard Review

Valeguard Review

Something dark stirs in the wilderness… ValeGuard is an independent game developed by Lost Tower Games where the player alternates between turn-based building management and real-time tactical combat ...

7 Good

Tooth and Tail Review

You’d think a game about animal revolutionaries would be cute and cuddly, like a drunken squirrel. But, in spite of its charming and nostalgic visuals, Tooth and Tail is oftentimes as harsh and cruel ...

9 Amazing

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