Author: Wolfy

Wolfy fancies himself a pink wolf and a reasonable gamer. He's been entrenched in PC and console gaming since the Atari 2600 days and currently loves MMOs, most multiplayer titles, RPGs and racing games. He also makes a really good chicken curry.

Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon Every Buddy

Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon Every Buddy Review: Adorably Punishing

What happens when you make a rougelike with one of Final Fantasy’s classic mascot characters fueled by the usual Square-Enix story charm? You get a game that probably looks a lot like a pushover...

7 Good
Undead Horde Preview: Necromancy at its Most Playful

Undead Horde Preview: Necromancy at its Most Playful

I’m pretty sure I’ve written once before about how some of my favorite indie games are ones that smoosh together a variety of genres into one fun cocktail. Undead Horde by 10tons Ltd. has ...

Horizon Chase Turbo Review: Building a Better OutRun

I come to you as the saltiest of salamanders right now. Not because I dislike Horizon Chase Turbo — on the contrary, I had an amazing time — but because this game is frustrating in the bes...

10 Perfect
Rival Megagun Review

Rival Megagun Review – ShmuPvP

Shoot-em-up games, or “shumps” as I’ll be referring them to from here on out, are a masochistic curiosity for me — the type of game that I come back to every once in a while ev...

8 Great

The Sims 4 Get Famous: It’s a Long Way to the Top

I’ll be completely honest with you; the way I play The Sims games is generally as a hands-off sort. I’ll offer little guiding nudges, but for the most part I let the autonomy of these litt...

7 Good

Steel Rats Review: Platforming Junk

Steel Rats looked like a promisingly unique piece of gaming. A platforming title where you ride a motorcycle everywhere sounded just about as rad and goofy as the best action cartoons that came out of...

4 Poor

Moonlighter Review: City of Roguelike

Indie games seem to mostly follow one of two patterns: they either reiterate on an established formula (every Meat Boy platformer out there), or they moosh up a couple of completely different game typ...

9 Amazing

My Memory of Us Review: A Bittersweet Storybook of War

“Truly amazing things can happen on even very ordinary days,” opens the story of this game, and indeed a young girl’s random visit to a local bookstore unfolds a tale of friendship, ...

8 Great

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