Nobunaga’s Ambition: Taishi, originally released on steam as a Japanese only game, has been fully translated and available now for the West to enjoy! Developed and published by Koei Tecmo, Nobu...
Dynasty Warriors 9 is the latest game in the best-selling action series by Koei Tecmo. This time, the game features an open world setting that allows players to explore China on a single map. It featu...
A clear summer sky spreads over the Hoshinomiya Girls' High School. This story begins with the belated start of school life for Hinako Shirai, who has just recovered from a leg injury due to a tragic ...
Warriors All-Stars is a hack and slash / action game by Koei Tecmo for PS4, PS Vita as well as PC. It is based on the long-running beloved Warriors series. Players can choose from 30 different charact...