Attack on Titan 2 is the second game in the ongoing series developed by Omega Force and published by Koei Tecmo. The game follows the first two seasons of the Japanese anime and features well-known se...
DRAGON QUEST HEROES II is a hack-and-slash, field-roaming Action RPG that sends players on a new adventure to restore order in a once peaceful world filled with hordes of monsters and battles of epic ...
Berserk and the Band of the Hawk is a hack-and-slash game inspired by the world renown manga of the same name. The game follows the adventures of Gutz and closely matches the events of the Golden A...
Toukiden 2 is the sequel to Omega Force and Koei Tecmo's Action RPG from 2015. Set in an open world with a brand new narrative, Toukiden 2's focus is on action combat, exploration, and taking down big...