ArcheAge Unchained: Insights, Tips & Tricks For Beginners.

Gamespace has a number of staff that gravitate most to MMORPG’s, this month some of us started playing ArcheAge Unchained so we’re taking a moment to share our ArcheAge experiences, tips, tricks and future hopes for the latest edition of this MMORPG!

Play Style: Solo but always LFG, especially with guild mates
Race: Elf
Class: Revenant
Server: Wynn

I played the original Archeage on day one. I was intrigued by the many classes and two faction PvP. I was eventually, at a pretty low level, turned off due to the difficulty to get land so I stopped for a long time. I rejoined Archeage when Dwarves were released and had fun starting a Battlerage dwarf. I eventually got turned off, once again, by the game’s stuttering issues. The third times the charm some say so here I am in AAU playing an Elf once again and approaching it with a new attitude. I’m only level 20 due to being out of town the first week and the Wynn queue system but I’m enjoying it. I love Archeage’s combat system and I think I’ll focus more on leveling than acquiring and conquering.

Number one tip for beginning AAU?

Do your class quests (green) for loads of XP and gaining levels.

What do you enjoy most so far about AAU?

The number of class choices

What do you hope to achieve most in AAU?

I look forward to AAU’s Archepass system being sorted out for us to use. Working towards stated goals (Archepass) and achievements keeps me energized to push forward.

What would you change about AAU if you could?

Get rid of the Korean voiceovers

Play Style: Hoarder, Fisher, Explorer
Race: Elf
Class: Archer – back and forth between Shadehunter and Trickster
Server: Wynn

Hello! I was a founder and have been playing ArcheAge since the beta of the original game. I sank way too much money into it. Last go around I focused primarily on healing and had a lot of fun with the Thaumaturge class combo. I’m excited to play ArcheAge Unchained because it is a fresh start with a team that seems to really care about the game. They’re not perfect – they’ve messed up, but what’s important to me is that they’re still communicating with the players and attempting to fix those mistakes.

Number one tip for beginning AAU?

First thing you need to do is get to 30 and put down your scarecrow farm. Stone is relatively easy to come by, but logs are a whole other beast. Grow some cedar trees because you can put 4 of them on your 8×8.

What do you enjoy most so far about AAU?

I love exploring the world. It has some beautiful places! My favorite part about Archeage is how open it is. There are no loading screens so you can just take off into the world and do whatever you want with your boat or glider. Some of my favorite memories have involved chilling out with my friends while we sail out into the ocean to explore or fish. Other times we’ve gone to the enemy continent, found illegal tree farms, and engaged in some heated PvP fights over the resources.

What do you hope to achieve most in AAU?

I really hope that I can put down a thatched farmhouse on an island and get my fishing boat on the water. All I wanted to do in the previous iteration of ArcheAge was fish, but the boat is fairly resource-heavy with a large gilda expenditure.

What would you change about AAU if you could?

I miss the old trading system. Currently, I’m struggling to come up with the gilda I need for my thatched farmhouse and boat. We used to be able to turn in trade packs for gilda and that was a tremendous help. It also encouraged some exciting faction PvP because players wanted to deny the enemy faction their turn-in rewards. So you’d always roll around with a big group of players for fear of being attacked by pirates on the ocean (because there were no protective buffs), and you’d need strong arms to hold back the waves of hostile players attacking you once you planted your feet on land. I think the biggest thing that hinders the new trade system is that protective buff. It should be dangerous. There should be some risk with the reward you’re getting.

Play Style: Duo & Adventurer Land & Sea.
Race: Dwarf
Class: Mage – Spectre
Server: Jargent

 I’ve played every ArcheAge launch since pre-alpha on East so this time we rolled West! I play with my other half so I chose Spectre to support him as a Deathwish melee adding in that quick step from song craft for quicker quest turn ins & support-heals. We focus economy and participating in all content especially ocean content but out of game responsibilities are priority so we tend not to tie ourselves to others schedules especially in the leveling phases of any MMO so we can AFK whenever we need to.

Number one tip for beginning AAU?

Archeage is without a doubt the best MMORPG of all time to adventure in so enhancing your glider to Ultimate (able to equip at level 20) should be a top priority to spend gold on. Make sure you equip each glider before upgrading to the next one to earn an achievement with the title reward of  “Airshow Expert.” (Press V in-game to see all achievements, a great way to get more gilda.)

What do you enjoy most so far about AAU?

Dwarven Transform on those multiple mob pulls

What do you hope to achieve most in AAU?

Pirate Yata Costume, Fish Fest Trophy,  Dragonmaster title…

What would you change about AAU if you could?

I hope the auction houses don’t remain server specific for too much longer. I also think there could still be a daily login reward offering mid/end of the month labor potions and hope Archepass returns soon however I’d like to see cosmetic items randomized so we do not all have the same ones at the same time. On the store, I would really appreciate a mailbox for my house, skill saver pendants and full kit housing tickets for credits.

Play Style: Solo but always LFG
Race: Dwarf
Class: Executioner for now
Server: Denistrius

 I checked out ArcheAge when it first launched. I was entrenched in FFXIV at the time so I only played for about 30 minutes before I went off to raid and never came back. This time around I am looking for an MMO to call home and am hoping AAU fills that spot. So far I am running around clueless and killing anything that moves. My quest log is filled with all sorts of things to do, so now all I need to do is get organized and start figuring out what parts of the game I want to focus on.

Number one tip for beginning AAU?

Don’t let the game overwhelm you. AAU is a true sandbox game and after a few hours, it’ll throw everything and the kitchen sink at you all at once. Accept that you can’t do it all, and even if you wanted to there isn’t enough labor to get it all done each day. Pick something that looks cool and try it out. Then move onto something else, and so on. Everything you do earns you XP so find what you like doing and tell anyone who says you’re doing it wrong to f**** off.

What do you enjoy most so far about AAU?

I know this may sound weird but one of my favorite things about AAU has been following the trials while running around the world. Some of the idiots (meant in the most affectionate way possible) have really crafted some interesting defenses, and the interactions between jurors and the guilty (they are murdering, tree stealing scum after all) has really helped to make the time running from point A to point B fly by. It’s so much better than the crap that usually fills global chat in other games.

What do you hope to achieve most in AAU?

I learned a long time ago that setting goals at the launch of an MMO is a surefire way for me to burn out and walk away after a month or two. My only real goal for ArcheAge Unchained is to hit level cap and settle in with a guild. From there it’s all about finding which pieces of the game are the most fun and focusing my time on those.

What would you change about AAU if you could?

I’m sure there’s something that needs changing, but right now I am just trying to figure everything out. If I have to give an answer I guess I would say that I should have priority access and be able to skip the queue.

If you’d like Gamespace to write more MMORPG articles let us know in the comments and look forward to a max level insights post from the team in the coming weeks while Mitch continues his ArcheAge Unchained Review in Progress.

Happy hunting gamers!

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