New Games on Nintendo Switch This Week – Light Shows and Lawn Puzzles

For Nintendo Switch owners, I dare say, the biggest release this week isn’t actually on the Nintendo Switch!  Rather, for those of you who have kept up with our New Games on Nintendo Switch articles, you may have noticed that we implored our readers to head over to their mobile store of choice and Pre-Register for Dr. Mario World!  If that doesn’t tickle your fancy, check out our list below of New Games on Nintendo Switch This Week!

Hyperlight Ultimate

Release: July 9th 2019

Crazy arcade action is awaiting you as you control a spaceship and fight tons of monster type alien things that, one could only guess, want to destroy you. In Hyperlight you’ll be able to obtain “plenty of other bonus, weapons and entities that can help you overcome the many difficulties you’ll be facing, including battles against terrific final bosses that await you on the dark side of the universe!” So take your lightspeed ship and fight the good fight. Right NOW!


Release: July 9th 2019

The Senran Kagura franchise has been around a while. Many game sites probably don’t feature it too often, as this game franchise is quite explicit in its content, but that won’t stop us from putting it out there for all to see. In the latest, Senran Kagura Peach Ball, you’ll be playing pinball, with a lot of sexy anime ladies more or less getting in your way.  I don’t know what else to say, watch the trailer if you have questions. I did. I still have questions.

Grass Cutter – Mutated Lawns

Release: July 10th 2019

I hate when my lawn mutates, and it feels like, with summer in full swing, it’s mutating almost daily. In Grass Cutter – Mutated Lawns, you have one goal and one goal only, “to cut the grass. Very simple, but only at first glance… Grass Cutter calls for focus and commitment. Just one blink of an eye – and you lost. It is very challenging!”  With nearly a dozen lawn mutations and some advanced puzzles that will require forethought as well as reflexes, this yard cutting experience will be much better than starting up a real lawnmower.


Release: July 10th 2019

You have to guard humanity. I don’t know much about you, but that’s kind of the vibe I’m getting right now.  Whether or not you resemble humanities guardian, in SolSeraph not only will you be protecting the humans, but you’ll also be “build(ing) your cities and set(ting) up defensive structures to protect them from the constant threat of monsters, then descending into their lairs with sword and spells to eliminate them for good.”  I know what you’re thinking, it didn’t sound much like me before, but it sounds like me now. Check out this tower defense action platform fusion!

In Case You Missed It:

Stranger Things 3: The Game

Release: July 4th 2019


If you aren’t watching Stranger Things, then this probably won’t appeal all that much to you.  If you are watching it, then this game might bring additional enjoyment after you’ve completed every episode, and still hunger for more Stranger Things.  “In the companion game to Season 3 of the hit original series, play through familiar events from the series, while also uncovering never-before-seen quests, character interactions and secrets.” You’ll also have some co-op play in your future. Never battle any Mind-Flayers alone. Thanks for checking out New Games on Nintendo Switch This Week!

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