Real Farm – Living From the Seat of a Tractor

The sun is shining, the grass is blowing in the breeze, and the smell of fertilizer fills the air. That’s right you are now a Real Farmer. From one side of the farm to the other, drive your tractor while plowing your fields. Whether the weather is good or bad a farmer’s job is never done. This is our review of Real Farm for PC on Steam.

From Developer Soedesco, Real farm presents you with two game modes to play out. The first game mode is a very in depth story mode. This mode allows you to start off in tutorial mode and you learn about the different ways to take care of your fields. You do this by practicing on an old farmer’s fields in fact. From plowing, to sowing, to reaping, you learn about everything you need to play the game. Once you complete the tutorial, the old farmer tells you he wants to retire. He offers you his farm for three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. This starts you on the path of freelance farming where you can rent or buy your own equipment and then do jobs around the map.

In free mode you are set up as an established farm. You have your own farm and your goal is to do as you wish to make money. The jobs you do will be of your own doing and you can set up your fields the way you want to. The great thing about this game is the option to own livestock as well. Cows and sheep are some of the livestock choices in game. Once you are established in the game you can also hire workers to help you with your farming duties.

The game plays well on the PC and is set up for a native 4k resolution with 60FPS. It is also available on Playstation 4 and Xbox One, allowing everyone to experience the rich graphics in the American countryside. Real Farm comes into the market and goes head to head against Farming Simulator. There are similarities and differences. Each game has its own unique feel and different landscapes with different vehicles. While Farming Simulator may have more vehicles and items to buy, Real Farm has all of the aesthetics you want from a game like this. Everything in the game moves with a fluidity that takes some companies years to master.

The controls in the game are simple to learn and remember. The vehicles have different radial options to use allowing you to activate different controls on the machines. There are real life options on the vehicles like working lights, headlights, and even horns to make the game as immersive as possible. The developers truly went all in when making this game.

Note: Our copy was reviewed on Xbox One X with a code provided by PR.

Real Farm Final Review Score: 9.0 / 10.0

  • Native 4K Graphics
  • 60FPS Gameplay
  • Realistic Vehicles and Terrain
  • Worker to Farm Owner Campaign


  • Hard to build up income early on based on low in-game job pay


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