The Evil Within 2: 5 tips to survive a city of mutants

Evil Within 2 is a survival horror game in the truest sense. You’ll have to plan, observe and make calculated decisions in order to survive the twisted town of Union.

Play it smart, not fast
Face it, Evil Within 2 is one of those games that loves to remind you of your mortality. Think about your movements carefully and seek alternative routes. While it may look like you can cheese your way through a few of those mutants and get to your goal faster, keep in mind that you have limited resources and taking the long route through alleys may be a better idea in the long run.

Use guns efficiently, melee is always an option
Don’t neglect your little knife, while it is utterly useless in face-to-face combat, its merit is in stealth gameplay and if you’re forced into a fight, you can use the ax to split A mutant’s head (emphasis on the singular, since it breaks after a kill). Suffice to say, if you need the gun, use it and ensure your safety, but never jump in guns blazing.

No loot? Keep hitting
If confrontation is unavoidable, make sure that you keep hitting until you see a loot fall off an enemy. The mutants of Evil Within 2 are cunning in the way they pretend to be dead and as soon as you turn your back on them, they catch you by surprise. Never turn your back on a fallen enemy unless you’re 100% sure it’s dead.

Pay attention to your HUD
People only look at their HUDs to check their health or to look at the minimap, but in Evil Within 2, looking at the icons of your HUD can kill or save you. Enemies will have icons on top of their head and these icons change in relation to you; an eyeball pacing left and right means that the mutant is looking for you, while the bars on the side of it is the mutant’s hearing, the louder you are the more pronounced the lines will be.

Kill mutants
While it may be counter-intuitive, make sure that you kill any mutant that you can easily pick off. They drop loot like green gel, which is used to upgrade Sebastian’s health and to purchase additional abilities, or gunpowder which can be used to make ammo. Analyze carefully and don’t risk more than you can gain.

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