The Sims Turns 20 In 2020!

Ooboo vroose, baa dooo!

Whether you play it or not, if you aren’t living under a gaming rock you’ve heard of The Sims because it’s been around for two decades. THAT’S 7300 DAYS! Can you believe it?! Today the iconic life simulation game by Maxis Studios turns 20, celebrating 1042 weeks of creativity, diversity and a continually passionate community that thrives on spending every sim-minute playing with life!

Since The Sims was first released in 2000, players across the globe have been designing their perfect homes, destinations, and businesses. While also creating unique Sims or pets. Creation and design by players that have evolved into sitcoms, saga’s, movies and all kinds of medium to tell their own stories, someone else’s or a story they never knew existed until they played this game.

To mark this incredible milestone the team at Maxis Studio pulled together a special celebration info-graph highlighting fun data reflecting everything players have done in these 20 years. This info-graph includes that players have created more than 1.6 billion Sims, built more than 575 million households, and WooHoo-ed more than 1.3 billion times. How incredibly fascinating yet bizarre is that?!

The Sims 4 Infographic

To kick off this momentous birthday celebration, Simmers on any platform can now get in the birthday spirit by taking an indulgent soak in the special 20th Birthday Hot Tub, available in a small update going live today. Sit back, relax and soak in all the simsational memories or ideas you are itching to dive into with this new in-game item.

PlayStation Plus subscribers will also get free access to The Sims 4 throughout the month of February.

Extra awesomely, fashionista’s out there looking for more Sims love to wear will also find a 20 Birthday Collection to strut your Sim stuff in!

Now I don’t know about you but we are looking forward to sharing an up-close and personal hands-on in Tiny Living, sweet Valentines day tributes to some exceptional builders out there plus loads more this month and hope you’ll join us as we say “Ooboo vroose, baa dooo!” – which translates to, “Happy birthday, The Sims!”

Ooboo vroose, baa dooo!

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