The Price You Pay To Be A Sims Addict.

This year in June I delivered our Sims 4 – Seasons review.

I wasn’t sure what to expect hearing about this game for so many years but shy of it. However,  since I’ve become more comfortable in my Sims skin, fascinated by the detail and interaction. Every decision has consequence from the character creation itself, all the way down to daily habits as small as emptying the coffee pot – or not. Sims 4 is more than just a game, it’s the ability to bring your imagination to life, play out circumstances you’ve often wondered about, mimic highlights in your own life, plot story lines you might be writing about (etc) or deep dive into the creative world of architectural/interior design.


Since I changed my “Sims-itude” I have been looking at how I can make the most of my experience without adding any mods, which also means I opened a Pandora’s box! Their is so much content to expand my Sims 4 collection and its overwhelming so I was elated when the we received Sims 4 – Caribbean last week adding even more rich flavor to everyone’s Sims palette recharging my need to add more to my Origins library. Here’s numbers and thought process that may help you .

Note: Sims 4 has a “Create a Sim” Demo available and all packs/expansions mentioned below require Sims 4 base game to access plus the following:

BASE PACK [$19.99]
*Sims 4
*Sims 4 Deluxe Upgrade $14.99

Subtotal – $19.99

EXPANSION PACKS [$39.99 each]
Seasons – Cats & Dogs – Get Together – Get to Work

Subtotal 4 – $159.99

GAME PACKS [$19.99 each]
Outdoor Retreat – Spa Day – Dine Out – Vampires
Parenthood – Jungle Adventure – Celebration

Subtotal 7 – $139.99

STUFF PACKS [$9.99 each]
Laundry Day – My First Pet – Fitness Stuff  – Toddler
Bowling Night – Backyard – Cool Kitchen – Spooky
Vintage Glamour – Kids Room – Movie Hangout
Romantic Garden – Luxury Party – Perfect Patio

Subtotal 14 – $139.86

TOTAL $459.83

To own all of the content available for Sims 4 including the Deluxe Upgrade comes to $474.82 which is an exponential cost if you compare to other building simulator games but realistically Sims 4 can be likened to a triple A MMORPG should you have access to all content. I say that confidentially knowing how much time I can spend now owning just the “Seasons” expansion and “Celebration” game pack. Even then however, do you spend that much on an AAA MMORPG? All of this content would last a lifetime and part of me wishes their was a pass we could attain to have access to all for eternity – but I dreamily digress.

Back to reality again not many (if any) of us can spend close to $500 on a game upfront so how could we then break things down? This is where I have been most overwhelmed and for me it came down to these decisions that suit my tastes which you can adapt to yours.

  • Access to different environments for houses to be built in
  • Hairstyles that look most differently to what I own.
  • Wardrobe that is both modern and varying

Then it’s more personal choices and my most pressing ones are

  • Building businesses at home
  • Cooking menu extensions
  • Laundry rooms
  • More places to send my Sims to socialize

I have also scanned websites, social media, the gallery but that is where it got into the “too much information zone” scaling back to the Origins login screen where I started as almost every consideration to make can be found just to the left under “Your Collection.”

Two months later I have narrowed my choices down to

1. City Living – Dine Out – Cool Kitchen Stuff
2. Get To Work – Outdoor Retreat – Laundry Day Stuff
3. Cats & Dogs – Vampires – Vintage Glamour


Currently their is a 50% off sale on selected items on the Origins Store and if you are wondering why I listed the above choices in trio its because you can also make bundles with a straight 28% off when sales are not on however waiting for sales seems to be the most beneficial way to expand your Sims 4 Collection so without bundles I hope to collect City Living, Cats & Dogs, Dine Out, Get To Work, Cool Kitchen and Laundry Day first though owning them all would be my gaming dreams come true! What would you choose or what have you already chosen? Are you one of the lucky ones who owns them all?

How are you making your decisions in the Sims?



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