Borderlands Celebrates First Decade With A Month Of Loot

Borderlands is a decade old and to mark this major milestone, Gearbox has invited Vault Hunters to a five week long loot party.

Claptrap and friends have almost reached those perilous teenage years, but before Borderlands makes it past puberty Gearbox has kicked off a raft of tenth birthday celebrations. In a recent blog post on the official website, the team behind this looter shooter details the next five weeks of activities in place for players.

Borderlands 3, the latest of the franchise, has already cut the ribbon on week one. Boss Week is already live and runs from now until 8 October. As the name suggests, Boss Week is all about putting down the baddest bosses in the game. Each boss that players overcome has an increased opportunity to drop Legendary items for the adventurous Vault Hunter.

A full list of the Boss week bonuses is below:

  • Mouthpiece has an increased chance to drop Gatling Gun
  • KillaVolt has an increased chance to drop Brainstormer
  • Gigamind has an increased chance to drop Nagata
  • Katagawa Ball has an increased chance to drop Rectifier
  • Katagawa has an increased chance to drop Legendary class mods (all Vault Hunters)
  • Rampager has an increased chance to drop Kill-o’-the-Wisp
  • Warden has an increased chance to drop Echo
  • GenIVIV has an increased chance to drop Ten Gallon
  • Aurelia has an increased chance to drop Creeping Death
  • Graveward has an increased chance to drop Earworm
  • Pain and Terror have an increased chance to drop Legendary class mods (all Vault Hunters)
  • Troy has an increased chance to drop Nova Berner
  • Tyreen has an increased chance to drop Bitch

Four more weeks of birthday activities are in place for fans, detailed below, and include a special spooky theme during Halloween.

  • Week 1 (October 1-7): Bonus Boss Loot!
  • Week 2 (October 8-14): Rare Spawn Hunt!
  • Week 3 (October 15-21): Show Me the Eridium!
  • Week 4 (October 22-28): Mayhem on Twitch!
  • Week 5 (October 29 – November 4): Spooky Surprise!

For anybody that missed the gaming phenomenon that is Borderlands, the very first game full of vault Hunters hit stores back in 20 October 2009. Since it first hit screen, the game has dropped a river of loot, and shifted millions of copies. If you’re late to the party grab a gun and check out more about Borderlands 3 in our review and over on the official website.

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