Epic Games

star wars is back in fortnite

Star Wars Is Back In Fortnite

As we force ourselves through yet another day in lockdown, May 4th has brought Star Wars back to Fortnite. Whether it’s on a Solo excursion or as part of a team, players in the arena royale can deck t...

battle breakers

Epic Games Blasts Battle Breakers Onto PC And Mobile

Battle Breakers, a cool looking new RPG from Epic Games, has just crashed into front rooms and it’s looking to bring back the joy of Saturday morning cartoon marathons. Available now on PC, iOS, and A...


Fornite is a co-op sandbox Survival video game by Epic Games for PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.  Players will have to explore areas, find resources and build forts during the day and fight against th...

8 Great


Paragon is a third-person MOBA developed and published by Epic Games for PC and PS4. The game features variety of asymmetrical maps players will be pitted against each other on. Each map has three ...

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