In 1997 Bullfrog Productions released Theme Hospital which sold 4 million copies. With launches on PlayStation and re-releases up until 2015, the next evolutionary step arrived last week as Two Point Hospital. Developed by Two Point Studios and Published by Sega I did not play the original but I was super curious why there was so much excitement for this title so I made an appointment and went on over to Two Point Hospital to get checked out for this review.
Two Point Hospital graphics have definitely been given a more detailed polish compared to the original version pictured below but I’m not sure that beats the quirks I saw searching for suitable assets for this article, pictures like heads that could be popped, Kit Kat vending machines and look at that Elvis trio!
From the beginning Two Point Hospital can seem basic, almost slow starting with empty large halls and a reception for you to place as the first tasks, the General Practitioner is next followed by Diagnostics. Hiring the perfect employee’s to suit each room before you move to the next. Here you can start veering off on your own, after much trial and error I tend to like having a janitor already and toilets. The comfort of patients is high on my list so I’m giving them places to sit, things to read, eat and drink. In between these administrative duties, there are bills to pay, including wages. Tasks to complete and challenges with the regular visit from inspectors.
Leveling in Two Point Hospital comes in the way of unlocking items you can use in your hospital and leveling the hospital itself to Level 3 which will unlock further items. Eventually, you will get the opportunity to build a second hospital, so on and so forth. Each hospital comes with its own environment that might need specialist treatment or unlock a new room allowing for challenges to arrive centered around which type this might be. Pretty quickly you’ll notice the rhythm of ensuring patients, keeping the hospital maintained and taking care of staff.
Training rooms also become available eventually which add another layer of juggling space and staff. Followed by the dynamic of where your hospital is in the world that can also affect your room size. Little things like needing radiators in mountainous hospitals break the simulator churn with each hospital you end up buying. Then it gets hardcore and begins to feel like a Janitor juggle simulator when you arrive at such hospitals like the one dedicated to research, little income to begin with and opening the door to bank loans so you can stay afloat.
Building the hospitals are fairly straightforward, using the save option to your advantage in case you make any mistakes along the way. The most difficult thing I found was remembering the click and drag style of turning items into place.
By now you’re in the “two-point” zone, I like to call it. Doing the rounds on 4 hospitals clicking on every single thing a Janitor needs to tend and if you’re romantic like me you are paying Janitors more than Doctors because you know we need to pass those inspections, vacuum up ghosts like Ghostbusters, keep the vomit away and the machines from catching fire! Two Point Hospital has the simulator click, quickness many play simulators for but it also has depth and a sense of accomplishment when you save lives, promote staff and get rewarded for having the best hospital out there! What is even more fun is you can see your Steam friends list who are also playing and race them to hospital domination!
Note: Our copy was reviewed on PC with a code provided by PR.
hmmm good review, I have been looking at this one but was wondering if it just got to crazy as you had a fully built hospital, controls for staff looked a little cumbersome..
Thanks! I felt the same also having seen some game play but was surprised how fluid it was . Assigning staff can be a juggle as you match qualifications to task but i found the ability to move staff by hover and click the funnest part actually heh that’s why I refer to it as “Janitor Chess” moving them around became the number one way for me to pass inspections and level fast.