2d Platform


Damsel Review

A company that has been producing a popular vampire drink, Red Mist, and has set their sights on the entire vampire populace. Things go awry when they started adding secret ingredients into their popu...

8.5 Great

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Pre Orders Now Live

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is less than a month away. As we prepare to explore a demon-infested castle, 505 Games has opened up pre-orders for this adventure. Coming to consoles and PC between ...

Death’s Gambit: Dark Souls never looked so 2D

Ever  wonder what would happen if you took Dark Souls, mixed it with Super Mario meets Ninja Gaiden, and smashed it into a 2D space?” Me too! Well, that’s exactly what developer White Rabbit has done ...

7 Good

Switch Review: Flipping Death Flips My World And Flips Me Out!

I thought I was prepared for the whimsically, weird ride I’d hoped for when I was lucky enough to receive a Nintendo Switch version of Flipping Death by Zoink Games but I came to realize pretty ...

8 Great

Light Fall Review – Use The Shadows to Save The World

Are you afraid of the shadows? Do you know what happens when you go into them? The main character is a shadow character, and he utilizes the shadow to move quickly through the map. Using the Shadow Co...

8.5 Great

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