Spanning thirty-three years, eight unique series, TV shows, and a variety of cross-over appearances, the Mega Man (or Rockman in Japan) games have had varying degrees of influence. With the latest mai...
The Guacamelee! One-Two Punch Collection is about to throw a crushing combo of outstanding platformers at gamers as both Gucamelee games come together for a new boxed edition of Nintendo Switch and Pl...
Bilibili and Wildfire Game have revealed the announcement trailer for 2D sidescrolling platformer The Oriental Exorcist that is coming to PS4 and PC via Steam. Playing as a skilled exorcist, you have ...
Bubsy: Paws on Fire! is about to arrive on Nintendo Switch and publisher Accolade has dropped a brand new launch trailer ahead of the game’s release on 28 August. The upcoming return of the fiesty ora...
Dead Cells, the roguelike quite like no other is about to get an update on Nintendo Switch. Rise of the Giant, the latest Dead Cells DLC, is coming to Nintendo Switch next week. Dead Cells’ developers...
What happens when Mario and Luigi take a day off? Yoshi and his pals go out into their world and get crafty. Traveling through a world made of cardboard and other materials, and using their tongues to...
Gaming is better together. It’s why multiplayer experiences are so successful. While there is nothing quite like grabbing your own controller and jumping into battle, Moondrop’s new puzzle platformer ...
Team Cherry has revealed a full-blown sequel to action-adventure Hollow Knight titled Silksong. Fight against deadly foes and discover mysteries as you ascend to the peak of a land ruled by silk and s...
Gaming is better done together and this Valentine’s day indie developer Moondrop has the perfect co-op adventure for your own static party. Grab your support and get for Degrees of Separation wi...