A3: Still Alive

a3 still alive review

A3: Still Alive Review In Progress

A3: Still Alive the newest mobile MMO to come out of Netmarble launched last week. As it’s available now on iOS and Android, we grabbed our armour and jumped into kill ten demons in our A3: Still Aliv...

A3 still alive preview

We Got An Early Look At A3: Still Alive

A3: Still Alive, the upcoming mobile MMORPG, might still be in pre registration but thanks to Netmarble we delved into this new world to find out what lies in store before it all goes dark. What is A3...

A3 still alive name reservation event

A3: Still Alive Name Reservation Event Is Open

A3: Still ALive, an upcoming dark fantasy mobile MMO from Netmarble, has just opened up name reservations for eager adventurers. Set to launch on 10 November globally, A3: Still Alive is a dark fantas...

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