arcade games

The Most Challenging Arcade Games Ever Made and Why We Love Them

The Most Challenging Arcade Games Ever Made and Why We Love Them

Think modern microtransactions are a pain? Try standing in front of an old arcade cabinet for a few hours. It would eat your quarter for an entry fee, then as you lose lives, you have to feed it again...

Arcade Games

9 Best Arcade Games to Play on PC

While arcades have slowly become less and less popular, the games they once contained undoubtedly haven’t. Developers across the spectrum have taken many of our favorite arcade titles and turned them ...

Popular Arcade Games

What is the Biggest Reason Arcade Games are Still so Popular?

The presence of video games has become so prominent in today’s culture that it’s almost impossible to avoid them. They are everywhere, from airports to grocery stores. Even gas stations ha...

Arcade Games

7 Great Arcade Games for Your iPhone or iPad in 2021

As the 2020s roll in, we’re getting more and more nostalgic about our favorite arcade games.  The best thing is that you don’t need to wait for a trip to the mall or find a machine at an o...

GTA Online

Groove in the new retro arcade in GTA Online

Got a hankering for some retro 80s action in video arcade glory? If so, look no further than the new playable arcade games that Rockstar just added into GTA Online. The dozen new games feature both si...

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