an all call of duty desktop setup

Get An All Call of Duty Desktop Setup From Corsair

Corsair and Call of Duty are out to conquer desktops with a new brand deal. Forget the clean lines of an all-white setup or the anime inspired heroes of gacha lore, instead you could go full Call of D...

Drop CSTM65 customizable keyboard

Drop Launches The CSTM65 Customizable Keyboard

Following hot on the heels of the CSTM80 keyboard (check out our review) at the end of 2023, Drop is adding another option to its lineup of fully customizable keyboards – size. With today’...

Corsair Vopyager laptop including a touch bar

Corsair Thinks Apple Was Wrong And We All Want A Laptop Touch Bar

Corsair looks like it’s had some help holding its beer after Apple retired touch bar. The system builder and PC component manufacturer is set to release a gaming laptop, including the return of an ill...

PC vs Console

The Never-Ending Debate: PC or Console?

The war of the gamers is real. The gaming industry is worth billions of dollars, and there are different manufacturers of video games clashing over who gets the bigger share of the pie. Currently, the...

Gaming Desktops

Best High-End Gaming Desktops

Buying the best desktop is one way you can enjoy a high-end gaming experience. A good desktop gives you a seamless and uninterrupted playing experience. This makes it easier to learn different games a...

Top 5 online gaming accessories of 2020

Online games have always been in trend and their popularity will continue to remain high for the foreseeable future. Many new online games keep getting introduced each month. Besides joy, gamers alway...

The Ultimate Black Friday “Under $100” List For Gamers & Geeks!

So many amazing deals and lists are out there for all of our favorite retailers but here at Gamespace we’re prioritizing two things – cost and buying from home so you get to play more game...

Corsair Redefines Concentrated Power with Corsair ONE PRO

With the first day of CES 2019 coming to a close, we have already seen our fair share of impressive technology. However, not many products can match the elegance mixed with raw power of the Corsair ON...

Gamescom in Pictures: Hardware

Gamescom surprises us every year, and the 2018 edition was no different. While we’re used to a heavy presence from the hottest new titles, they were joined this year by some of the biggest hardw...

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