
Serious Sam 4 PC Review

Welcome back Sam Stone, this time I see you brought friends and are looking for the Holy Grail. Yup, that makes sense. Serious Sam 4 opens to a massive battle with Sam charging forward into the oncomi...

9 Amazing

Serious Sam 4 – Story Trailer

Serious Sam 4 is arriving on PC and Google Stadia on September 24th. The developers from Croteam have shared a new trailer to introduce players to a very serious story. Humanity is under siege as the ...

Serious Sam 4 – System Requirements Revealed

The developers of the upcoming FPS Serious Sam 4 have updated the Steam page of the game to reflect system requirements. Can your machine handle the hordes of monsters and the massacre that follows wh...

Serious Sam 4 Moved to September 24

Developer Croteam and publisher Devolver Digital shared a new trailer for the upcoming shooter Serious Sam to share the game’s new release date. The return of Sam was planned to happen in August...

Serious Sam 4 – Serious Gameplay Trailer #2

The developers of the upcoming shooter Serious Sam 4 have shared a new gameplay trailer, showing off a variety of enemies and tools to take them down. Serious Sam 4 is blasting onto Steam and Google S...

Serious Sam 4 Will Unleash Chaos in August 2020

Croteam and Devolver Digital have revealed that Serious Sam 4 is blasting onto Steam and Google Stadia in August 2020. The classic Serious Sam formula is revamped by putting an unstoppable arsenal up ...

Serious Sam 4 Title Image

FINALLY! Croteam and Devolver Digital Announce Serious Sam 4: Planet Badass

For years developer Croteam and publisher Devolver Digital have been hard at work on Serious Sam titles, releasing games like Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope and Serious Sam’s Bogus Detour.  Well ...

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