
flexispot odin - holding me aloft

Sprawl Out On A Flexispot Desk For Less in August

Flexispot is cutting up to half price of its furnishings to celebrate its 7th birthday. Prime Day is done so where are you going to put that new monitor? Thankfully all those savings can go to use gra...

shadow desktop power upgrade review - desktop app

Shadow Power Upgrade Review Reloaded – At Home and Unleashed

Shadow, the cloud gaming desktop operator that crammed a top tier GPU into my holiday hijinks returned to our desktop and tablets last month. After announcing the new Power Upgrade, the team behind th...

Windows 11 Is Getting An RGB Control Panel

RGB Control Panel is coming to Windows 11 according to a recent Microsoft Blog. Forget Copilot and AI enhanced Excel Features, Windows 11 is going to do away with the dozen or so custom RGB desktop ad...

Shadow Desktop Power Upgrade - picture of laptops and tablets running shadow client

Shadow Desktop Power Upgrade Hands On – Ray Tracing and Airport Lounge Gaming

The Shadow Desktop is about to unhooked gaming desktops for a whole host of new consumers. This gaming desktop in the cloud is heading to a host of new territories and loading up a ray traced Power Up...

shadow desktop power upgrade review - desktop app

Shadow Casts Gaming Tier Cloud Desktops Into Austria and Canada

Shadow, the gaming grade cloud computing service, is finally coming to Austria and France today. Consumers in these two new territories can forget the blazing fast laptop and get top tier gaming hardw...

Gaming Desktops

Best High-End Gaming Desktops

Buying the best desktop is one way you can enjoy a high-end gaming experience. A good desktop gives you a seamless and uninterrupted playing experience. This makes it easier to learn different games a...

ces 2020 amd processor

CES 2020 AMD Unveils Your Next New Processor

Throw out your laptop and ditch your desktop! AMD just revealed 20 new processors at CES 2020 and there’s not a whole lot that Intel seems able to do. Laptops A world first, the 4000 series Ryzen proc...

Hyoerx alienware -aurora-r10-amd-ng

Alienware Ryzen Aurora Gets HyperX Fury DDR4

Hyper X has just announced that its HyperX Fury DDR4 memory has docked with the Alienware Ryzen range of desktop machines to provide an enhanced experience for gamers. It is likely you will already be...

Shadow Ghost

Shadow Brings New Hardware and Free Games

It is no secret that I’m a fan of the desktop as a service offering from Shadow. Now, the team of this online gaming service looks to be getting even easier to use with the new Shadow Ghost and a part...

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