
Diablo TV

Diablo TV Series Reportedly In the Works at Netflix

In a now-deleted Twitter post, Andy Cosby has confirmed that he is in the “final talks” to work on the new Diablo TV animated series for Activision and Netflix. It aligns with BlizzardR...

Diablo 3 Eternal Collection

Diablo 3 Eternal Collection – Gamescom 2018 Gameplay

GameSpot had a chance to try out the Diablo 3 Eternal Collection during the Gamescom 2018 and record 6 minutes of the gameplay process.  You can check out the video above to see a Wizard and a Demon H...


Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred, is coming to HotS

With High Inquisitor Whitemane already purging Nexus of the heretics and the Scourge, Heroes of the Storm team is back to teasing a new hero through their Twitter account. Usually, the team puts up a ...

Comic Book

New Diablo & StarCraft Comic Book Incoming

Blizzard Entertainment has announced their partnership with Titan Comics for a new comic book series set in the Diablo universe. I think we all needed to learn that Diablo franchize gets some love aft...

One Hour Review – MERC Early Access

Early Access games are tough to review, because they’re always changing, and so few really ever make it out of that stage. But they’re products for sale, and people deserve to know what is...

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