family friendly

Kid Friendly video games

Top 10 Kids’ Games for PC

Kid games are a rather interesting topic, considering that kids grow very fast and their taste for games seems to evolve fast. There are games that many kids enjoy in general, but just like every game...

Video Games for Kids

10 of the Best Video Game Gift Ideas For Kids 7-years And Above

Do you have a little gamer in your life that deserves a reward? If you’re looking for the perfect gift for the gamer who deserves one, look no further! Here are 10 great video game gift ideas fo...


Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles on XBox One Review

The first few months of 2019 have introduced various, high quality, open-world action games; and as a gamer, I am loving it. There is something obvious that has garnered my concern, however. Okay, sev...

9 Amazing

CardLife Early Access – Community Collaboration Built With Cardboard

Can you survive if everything is made out of cardboard? That question is easy to answer under usual circumstances but CardLife is anything but “usual” and I’m here to tell you why th...

World of Final Fantasy Heading to Steam in November

If you are a PC player and are a fan of Final Fantasy, stand up and take note! Square Enix has announced that World of Final Fantasy will be arriving on Steam on November 21st. World of Final Fantasy ...

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