Fist of the North Star returns to screens today as a Fitness Boxing Title Fist your way to fitness as an anime icon returns to screens today. Fitness Boxing Fist of the North Star is probably the most...
Nintendo just released a brand new game for free. The zero dollars down game is, however not quite a casual loot n shoot as you might guess from the title Jump Rope Challenge. Following on from the mo...
BoxVR, the virtual reality boxing fitness title, just landed a new Extreme DLC pack today with a ton of new updates for players. Developer FitXR just dropped the latest DLC add on for their rhythm tit...
BoxVR touches the mat on Steam VR, Oculus, and PSVR recently and while it’s taken a few rounds to get here, we’re finally getting our judges scores for our BoxVR review. Developed by Fit XR, BoxVR is ...
The new year is almost here and it’s time to make those resolutions. If a fitter decade is on the cards, we’ve pulled together some games that might just help on the road to those new year fitness goa...
Boot Camp Fitness couldn’t have picked a better time to announce its upcoming release but you might have to hang onto that new year’s motivation until it gets started in April 2020. I’ve certain...
Pump up the jams and get ready for some serious cardio workouts. Nintendo has announced a new title, “Fitness Boxing” which is coming exclusively to Nintendo Switch. This new Boxing title is set to re...