
flipping Kaktus screenshot

Tequila, Explosions, And A Spiky Hero Hit PC & Console As Flipping Kaktus Launches

Flippin Kaktus, a revenge driven platformer starring a cactus, is out now on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and Nintendo Switch. Sometimes there are concepts that just grab you by the bananas and while ...

Shank n’ Bake Review

I didn’t expect to like Shank n’ Bake, a game about murdering healthy foods, as much as I did. In fact, I don’t know that I like what that says about me. But, I think it says a lot a...

8.5 Great

The Best Steam Releases This Week – 6/07/2019

With all of the gaming news coming out of E3 this last week, the horizon of video game releases that are laid out before us promises a wealth of adventure and countless hours of enjoyment; enough so, ...

The Best Steam Releases This Week

Summer. Let’s try that again. SUMMER! If you’re a minor in the US, you most likely have a couple of months of meaningless and mindless nothing to focus on and give your brains a recharge. ...

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Champions Arrives on Nintendo Switch

On April 16th, 2019 the hugely successful trading card game, Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Champions, became available for Nintendo Switch! PlayFusion and Games Workshop proudly present WAS:C for Nintendo ...

Rage 2 Gameplay

11 Minutes of Gameplay in the Wilds of Rage 2

Recently, gaming site IGN released an 11-minute gameplay video of Bethesda’s much-anticipated sequel to the popular title: Rage. Rage 2 is a vast, open-world, post-apocalyptic, first-person shoo...

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