hands on

Blue Protocol Foe Breaker in combat

Blue Protocol Combat Hits Different – Gamescom Hands On

Gamescom 2023 gave us a hands on preview of Amazon’s Blue Protocol. Blue Protocol might be set to explode onto western screens during 2024, but news about the western release of this upcoming MMORPG h...

Sunqua Peak Hands-On Impressions

Guild Wars 2 is back with a brand new Fractal and for those of you ready to peek into the Mists, Gamesapce got an early look at Sunqua Peak. While ArenaNet’s PvE focus may have slipped from Fractal co...

Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem hands-on preview

For fans of ARPGs, the news that Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem finally launched after four years in early access comes as a welcome occasion. The dearth of stellar-quality ARPGs in the last several years ha...

The Division 2: Warlords of New York is coming..

Recently Ubisoft invited me down to represent GameSpace and get some hands-on time with their newest expansion to Division 2: Warlords of New York. Warlords bring several changes to the game mechanica...

Don’t Die, Minevera! Hands On Preview

As we approach the 2019 joyous Holiday Season what better way for a gamer to celebrate than to sit down with a spooky, horror-based dungeon crawler, right? We gamers are a strange lot indeed. While Xa...

Kingdom Under Fire 2 Hands On Preview

Kingdom Under Fire 2 is about to declare war on the west. Don’t worry they’re on our side and we got a preview of this upcoming MMO RTS hybrid before the battle begins. On 14 November Blueside will co...

A Cat Lady Hands On Preview

Cat Lady strolled into Early Access earlier this week this rouge-like tail of ghosts, schoolgirls, and grandma’s furniture got a once over as we dove into this tail. Developed by indie studio Rose Cit...

Preview: The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot Mobile

Welcome one and all to The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot! If the title of this game from Ubisoft sounds familiar you are not alone. A previous version of the game was originally released on the PC in Feb...

Breach Hands On Preview

Breach, from developer QC Games, is a third person, action RPG with an emphasis on quick combat, extensive class selection, and co-op fun. In a world where the modern and mythological clash, players c...

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