Gameloft and HarperCollins Productions have thrilled nostalgia buffs around the world with the news that the scarlet super thief, Carmen Sandiego, is making a triumphant return. The plan is to release...
Gameloft and HarperCollins Productions have announced that The Oregon Trail will expand the digital stores where players can download the game starting July 4th. Fans can head to Epic Games Store and ...
Gameloft and HarperCollins Productions have announced that a new, free DLC has landed in Oregon Trail for PC and Nintendo Switch. “Cowboys and Critters” features new journeys, mechanics, a...
Gameloft and HarperCollins Productions have announced that The Oregon Trail is now available for both PC and Switch. Aspiring wagoneers can get hold of the iconic grade school game for $29.99. The PC ...
Gameloft and HarperCollins Productions have announced that it’s soon to be open season on pioneers as The Oregon Trail is coming to PC and Switch. Aspiring wagoneers will be able to get hold of ...