
Headphones for eSports

Why You Need Good Headphones For Competitive Gaming

Are you into competitive gaming and would like to improve your performance so you can get one over your competitors? You definitely need to invest in a good pair of audiophile headphones. Many gamers ...


The Different Types Of Headphones And How To Choose One

There are many different types of headphones for many different purposes. If you are an avid runner, chances are you will want a headphone type that is sweat-proof and comfortable to wear during stren...

Sennheiser EPOS Unveils New Look Audio Range with GSP 601 and 602

After a definitive rebrand and push to engage with gamers, Sennheiser EPOS has unveiled two new gaming-focused headsets to take on your ear. The Sennheiser EPOS GSP 601 and GSP 602 are only the second...

AIAIAI TMA-2 HD Wireless Review: Worth The Price?

I wouldn’t consider myself an audiophile, but I would like to think that I have a certain taste for what I consider to be “good sound.” Naturally then, as a PC gamer, a good set of cans becomes import...

7 Good

ASUS ROG Theta 7.1: Hear More.

It is hard to argue that ASUS has made a name for themselves as a company that isn’t going anywhere but forward within the gaming space. Today, we got our hands on the Republic of Gamers (ROG) Theta 7...

8.5 Great

Burson Playmate DAC/Headphone Amp Review: Time to Play

As eSports and the competitive gaming scene have risen to the forefront of the public consciousness, gamers have pushed themselves to find every competitive advantage they can. While we all know that ...

Snoop Dogg Series Headset Goes Live At Lucidsound

Lucidsound, a brand name we’ve spent a lot of time praising for its gaming headsets just launched a new wireless headset in a collaboration with Snoop Dogg. The wireless headset form Lucidsound was an...

LS50X: Snoop Dogg Limited Edition Headset Ready For Pre-Order

Inspired by the iconic rapper Snoop Dogg and brought to life by LucidSound, the LS50X is a unique audio collaboration and it is available to pre-order now. Brought to market by a brand that has never ...

Creative SXFI Air Review

The Creative SXFI Air is the latest set of headphones to come out of audio gaming maestros Creative and an attempt to change the way we think about gaming audio. Join us as we take these headphones fo...

8 Great

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