Hollow Knight

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Gleamlight Nintendo Switch Review

Investing time, and money, into a side-scrolling (2D) platformer game has always been a gamble for me. My reflexes aren’t what they used to be. If the game is too hard it leads to frustration, i...

6.5 Fair
Hollow Knight - Silksong Reveal Trailer

Hollow Knight – Silksong Reveal Trailer

Team Cherry has revealed a full-blown sequel to action-adventure Hollow Knight titled Silksong. Fight against deadly foes and discover mysteries as you ascend to the peak of a land ruled by silk and s...

Hollow Knight Switch version is Feature Complete

In a blog update for the forthcoming Hidden Dreams free DLC, Team Cherry also took the time to give a progress update on the Hollow Knight Switch port of their game of the year contender: Quick Update...

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