Square Enix announced the latest installment in the beloved Kingdom Hearts series, and this time it is the new mainstream title that everyone has been waiting for: Kingdom Hearts IV. The reveal was ma...
Square Enix and Nintendo have announced that three epic Kingdom Hearts games have officially launched for Nintendo Switch. Each comes with a demo version for players to try out, not only to enjoy the ...
I’ve been having these weird thoughts lately…So, we can now play most of Kingdom Hearts on PC thanks to Square Enix teaming up with Epic Games. With some of the games in the series being m...
Fans of the Kingdom Hearts series were ecstatic to learn that most of the games were finally making their way to PC via Epic Games on March 30th. However, what longtime fans weren’t as excited a...
Melody of Memory is the latest installment into the fan-favorite Kingdom Hearts series by Square Enix, available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. Fans of the series and newcomers alike...
Square Enix announced that due to the current conditions the development for Kingdom Hearts Dark Road has been delayed and the game will no longer hit the planned Spring release. There will be another...
Square Enix has announced a new project that will bring the Kingdom Hearts experience to both iOS and Android mobile devices. Currently called “Project Xehanort”, the game is expected to a...
During yesterday’s X019 event in London, Square Enix announced lots of great Kingdom Hearts news for fans of the series. First off the bat, both KH1 and KH2 are heading to Xbox One in 2020. Rele...
Square Enix and Disney have launched Kingdom Hearts – The Story So Far collection that takes players through nine chapters of the beloved series. This encompassing experience through the world o...