Horizon Zero Dawn MMORPG - aloy stands on a ridge

It Seems The Horizon Zero Dawn MMORPG is Dead

Reports have surfaced that NCSoft has halted work on the unannounced Horizon Zero Dawn MMORPG. Reports from Korean publication MTN have hit the internet that seem to confirm that Sony and NCSoft’s upc...

WoW Season of Discovery Phase 7 Goes Live January 28

WoW Season of Discovery Phase 7 Goes Live January 28

There is no party like Medivh’s party! In Season of Discovery Phase 7, you’ll need to face your fears and go boldly into an all-new dungeon— Karazhan Crypts. Journey to famed ziggurat, Naxxramas...

World of Warcraft Dive Back into the Plunderstorm

World of Warcraft: Dive Back into the Plunderstorm

Are you ready to challenge Keg Leg’s crew as they return to the Arathi Highlands? Then prepare to duke it out in the newest season of Plunderstorm, a limited-time competition of wits, prowess, a...

Blade & Soul Neo - character windwalks across water towards the screen

Blade & Soul Neo Brings Back A Classic MMORPG For New Battle

NCSoft announce that Blade & Soul Neo will soon returns to PC screens, refreshed and reworked. Blade masters are about to draw their sword one more time, and it’s looking sharper than ever. NCSoft...

Tower of Fantasy Shared Nemesis Voidpiercer Simulacrum Trailer

Tower of Fantasy Shared Nemesis Voidpiercer Simulacrum Trailer

The developers of MMORPG Tower of Fantasy are back to introduce a new Simulacrum. Through the evolution within Gesthos Network, she acquired some traits of the Alteration Virus and was reborn as the g...

Tower of Fantasy - Version 4.6 Update Trailer 'Forging a New World'

Tower of Fantasy – Version 4.6 Update Trailer ‘Forging a New World’

Tower of Fantasy: Version 4.6 “Forging a New World” kicks off on January 21st, 2025. Players are in for the Smart City, Voidpiercer Dorm, Mech System, and a new world boss Eyes of Enlightm...

World of Warcraft – The Undermine(d) Content Update Is Now Available on the PTR

The developers of MMORPG World of Warcraft have revealed that the latest update The Undermine(d) is now available on the public test realms. Join Game Designer, Battleground and Arenas David Hollings,...

WoW TWW It's Time to Partake in the Feast of Winter Veil

WoW: TWW – It’s Time to Partake in the Feast of Winter Veil!

The annual Winter Veil celebration is already underway in Azeroth! From now through January 5th, partake in the feast and all the holiday’s fripperies, fineries, and delectable comestibles. Whil...

WoW TWW - Prepare to Heed the Call of Siren Isle

WoW: TWW – Prepare to Heed the Call of Siren Isle

Heroes of Azeroth are invited to dive into the newest mystery with the Siren Isle content update. Explore an enigmatic outdoor zone, procure new items and rewards for you and your alternate characters...

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