Humble has released news about its latest charity bundle, the Capcom Heroic Bundle. This new collection of video games features some of Capcom’s biggest titles at a bargain price. This collectio...
Developer and publisher Capcom has announced the free Title Update 4, coming to Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak on February 7th for PC and Nintendo Switch. The Elder Dragon Velkhana , Risen Crimson Glow...
A Hunter’s work is never done. Capcom released the first major title update for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, adding new story elements, expanding existing systems such as Guild Cards, introduc...
Capcom has announced that Monster Hunter Rise has grown a lot larger with the release of the Sunbreak expansion. Players will be able to explore an all-new location packed to the brim with new monster...
While some people are still playing PUBG or going on another The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim adventure, there is an abundance of fresh PC games that will satisfy your gaming appetite better than you think...
Developer and publisher Capcom was on hand during the Monster Hunter digital event to share more details about the upcoming major expansion Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. During the presentation, the ...
Monster Hunter Rise will receive a massive expansion on June 30th on PC and Switch. Titled Sunbreak, it will add a new story, explore new locales, and master all-new gameplay. Chilling new monsters an...
During the digital Monster Hunter event, the developers from Capcom were on hand to share more details about the upcoming massive expansion Sunbreak, arriving on June 30th on Nintendo Switch and PC vi...
Developer and publisher Capcom has taken to the official Twitter account to reveal a Monster Hunter Digital Event coming on March 15 at 14:00 GMT / 7:00 PDT. The team will be on hand to share more det...