planet zoo

Planet Zoo: Closed Beta Preview

Have you heard of Planet Coaster? I have been so close to investing in that theme park sim so many times but the sheer size and detail of it is pretty intimidating since its launch in 2016 making me s...

Planet Zoo Roars Into Beta

Things might be about to get hairy as Planet Zoo launches its first beta test. Frontier’s newest adventure gets wild from now until early October. No More Lion Around Fans of theme park simulators don...

Planet Zoo Unveils The Savannah Biome

Planet Zoo, frontier games upcoming animal sim whisked us all off to warmer climates today with the release of a brand new trailer. Check out the Savannah biome. Revealed in a brand new gameplay video...

Planet Zoo | Gamescom Pre-Order Trailer

Frontier Developments presented a new trailer for Planet Zoo to reveal the date of the closed beta test. The Planet Zoo Beta is running from 24 September to 8 October 2019 and can be accessed only by ...

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