
Alchemic Cutie - character stands in a green field

Alchemic Cutie Brings Slime of Life Sim to Switch and PS4

Alchemic Cutie, the gloopy new sim from PM Studios, is out now on PS4 and Nintendo Switch. Get ready to raise some slimy results in a new farm focused RPG life farm sim from Neowiz. Nintendo Switch an...

Genshin Impact Final Closed Beta Starts 2 July

MiHoYo Technology has announced that Genshin Impact will begin on last closed beta test across Pc, console, and mobile on 2 July 2020. In a blog post over on the PlayStation website, Community Manager...

Trails of Cold Steel IV Gets A New Story trailer

Trails of Cold Steel IV just got a new story trailer and it looks like Class VIII are going to need your help when this RPG arrives. Due to grace Playstation platforms in Fall 2020, as well as PC and ...

Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 Reveals The Newcomers

Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 just unveiled the fourth faction to join the upcoming RPG from Paradox Interactive. Welcome The Newcomers to the hunt today. Based on the massively popular...

Control Is Getting Expansions in 2020

Control, Remedy Games supernatural RPG that impressed critics and destroyed offices is about to get a bunch of updates, including two new expansions in 2020. Remedy game, the team behind Control has j...

Final Fantasy VII Remake Finally Has A Release Date

The upcoming Final Fantasy VII remake is the game a generation of players has been waiting for. Responsible for an army of cosplays and more than a few sick days, the original was a seminal title in v...

Sudden Strike 4: Complete Collection Invading Now

For those of you who feel like the age of Barbarians is a bit too old school, Sudden Strike 4: Complete Collection is already out on PC, Linux, and Mac. The consoles are due to fall shortly after. Com...

Banner Saga 2: The Battle for Survival Rages On

You have survived a massive battle and made it out with a few refugees, you are tired and hurting from the battle but you must push on. The threat of death ever in the back of your mind and the coming...

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