Resolution Games, creators of Demeo and Blaston, have just released their new VR sports title Ultimechs today. The game is supported by an optional Ultimechs Ultipass that has 50 levels. The pass has ...
Resolution Games is currently running a pre-season preview weekend for their VR sports game Ultimechs until August 28th. In the game, Players take control of mechanized professional athletes to compet...
Resolution Games, developers of VR games such as Demeo, Blaston, and Cook-Out: A Sandwich Tale, have just announced their new VR sports title Ultimechs. Players will control mechanized professional at...
Resolution Games has announced a new adventure ‘Realm of the Rat King’ today for Demeo, the VR roguelike dungeon crawler RPG. This new adventure brings new cards, enemies, and a boss. Check out all th...
I am a huge fan of tabletop RPGs. I have been running games for my friends for over 20 years in different game systems and recently started tinkering with virtual tabletop programs. When I first came ...