Role Playing Game

The Walking Dead Review

Overkill’s The Walking Dead – Review

The world belongs to the dead, but you fight to take it back for the living. You are collecting survivors to try and reestablish some semblance of a community to protect them and yourself. Protect the...

6.5 Fair

Towards The Pantheon – A 16 Bit RPG Adventure

You awaken and are immediately thrown into a journey that will test your skill and your wits. Your goal is to head towards the pantheon and save your world in this lighthearted, fun, dark, and painful...

8 Great

Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux – Demons, they are a coming!

Worlds collide at the bottom of the world as you and your party travel to Antarctica to investigate recent disturbances that have begun to plague the surrounding area with silence. Every single outpos...

8 Great

The Banner Saga: A New Home on the Switch

If you like to battle with tactics, if you like role-playing games, if you like the Nintendo Switch, then this is the game for you. The Banner Saga is getting a release for Nintendo’s current powerhou...

9 Amazing

Dragon’s Crown Pro on the PS4 Review

The dungeon crawler Dragon’s Crown Pro has returned with its newly updated 4k Compatible version. It is a game that makes you choose a primary character and help out people in the world, and as you ar...

8 Great
Dragon's Crown Pro

Dragon’s Crown Pro – Enhanced Gameplay First Impressions

Swords, sorcery, dungeon crawls, and more await you in this beautifully remastered 2D Role-Playing Game. Originally introduced for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita this 2D dungeon crawling, action R...

Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana – Cursed Islands and the Adventure of a Lifetime

Adventure, Excitement – an Adventurer craves these things. You are sure to get all this and more as you enter a world of classic action role-playing. You step into the shoes of Adol Christin on ...

8 Great
Masters of Anima review

Masters of Anima – The Lovechild of Pikmin and Zelda

You wake up and you are engaged to the local master, she tells you that you can’t fully marry her until you are more than a student of her craft. She sends you on your way to complete your training, n...

Darkest Dungeon – A Walk Into Darkness – XBOX One Review

Enter the dungeons of your family estate as you try to fight the evil within. In this gothic type, role-playing game, stress out as your fight wave after wave of enemies. You have the ability to make ...

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