Secret of Mana

Secret of Mana’s Faithful Return

In case you have been holed up in a biodome with your Y2K survival kit, Square-Enix, beloved bestower of classic RPGs like Chrono Trigger and the Final Fantasy series, announced back in August that it...

Steam Weekly High Five: Remember Space Invaders?

This week, during the month of love we’re getting spoiled on Steam with some classics making there way back to the forefront jam packed with updates to suit us now on top of a whole lot of fanta...

Secret Of Mana Remake Coming To PlayStation®4 In Limited Numbers

Square Enix® today announced that physical copies of Secret of Mana® will be available for the PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system on February 15, 2018. Available in limited quantities, these ...

Secret of Mana is more than a remake and we’ve played it

Okay, look, most of us (and by “us” I mean those fortunate enough to have been born in the SNES golden era and some very hip gamer kids) we all know the Secret of Mana is one of the greatest JRPGs of ...

Secret of Mana Remake coming to PS4, Vita, and Steam in February 2018

Here’s a surprise for your Friday morning. Secret of Mana, one of the greatest RPGs ever made, is getting the full remake treatment on PS4, PS Vita, and PC in February 2018. To close out a Games...

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