Blizzard Entertainment has announced a new “one-off” event for competitive WoW dungeon runners. The Great Push event is a separate competitive tournament from the Mythic Dungeon Invitation...
Battle for Azeroth, the previous expansion for World of Warcraft, came out controversial. The tie with the conflict between the two factions turned into a battle with the mind of the ancient god NʼZot...
From the Burning of Teldrassil to the Siege of Undercity, the results of the Fourth War, and more, the Battle for Azeroth has changed the face of World of Warcraft forever. Throughout the expansion, t...
Last week I had the opportunity to participate in a group interview with the Game Director for World of Warcraft, Ion Hazzikostas. This interview covered a range of topics and was overall really inter...
While the denizens of Azeroth are left gaping at the wound in the sky that appeared the moment Sylvanas Windrunner shattered the Lich King’s Helm of Domination, the restless Scourge begins to wr...
Very soon World of Warcraft players will venture into the realm of the dead aka Shadowlands. There, they will need every advantage to restore the balance to the afterlives. That includes working with ...
The developers from Blizzard Entertainment have posted a series of videos introducing players to the beauty of new zones coming in the latest expansion of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. The heavenly ...
The 16th anniversary celebration of World of Warcraft has kicked off! Log in between now and November 22 to earn the WoW’s 16th Anniversary achievement, then check your mail for a special Anniversary ...
After disappointing millions of fans by missing its original October release date, Blizzard Entertainment has announced that World of Warcraft – Shadowlands will be launching on November 23rd. T...