The developers from Blizzard have expanded the in-game store of MMORPG World of Warcraft with the addition of a new transmog set. Called Sprite Darter’s Wings, this new fey dragon inspired set c...
World of Warcraft: Shadowlands pre-patch will be rolling out on the live servers next week: October 13 for NA, October 14 for EU servers. In order to bring players up to speed, the developers have rel...
World of Warcraft is one of the oldest MMORPGs in the genre but that doesn’t mean it still runs the same way it did in 2004. With the upcoming Shadowlands expansion, Blizzard has upped its minim...
Following the World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Developer Update, a group interview with Ion Hazzikostas and letting press have a chance to try out the Revendreth Covenant and the Maw, the developers fro...
Yesterday World of Warcraft Executive Producer John Hight and Game Director Ion Hazzikostas participated in Shadowlands Developer Update, revealing more information about the upcoming expansion to Act...
Yesterday, World of Warcraft Game Director Ion Hazzikostas spoke to the world about the upcoming WoW Shadowlands expansion and what the team has most recently been working on as it progresses towards ...
World of Warcraft Executive Producer John Hight and Game Director Ion Hazzikostas participate in a planned WoW Shadowlands developer update where they will share more information about the upcoming ex...
Activision Blizzard has revealed a new date for the Shadowlands stream initially planned to roll on June 9th: now players can dive in on Wednesday, July 8 at 9:00 am PDT and join World of Warcraft Exe...
Activision Blizzard posted a new blog post on the official World of Warcraft site to let players know what awaits them in dreadful Maldraxxus and its Necrolord Covenant, covering the last unrevealed l...